Tuesday, November 24, 2009

MA Life Insurance For the Holidays

When you are sitting around the table I want you all to look around your table and ask yourself how your family will survive financially if you do not have life insurance. Everyone knows how terrible the economy is but how much worse can it get if you pass away and your family no longer has your income to help support them? If things are already “tight” economically can you honestly imagine your family living with the same life style without your income? What will they have to sacrifice to make ends meet?

I want you to take look at your families overall financial picture and figure out how much they will need to maintain the same life style. What bills must be paid off in full? How much will they need for your funeral (average funerals cost at least $10,000).

Now that you have reviewed your overall financial picture it is now time to take action! You can search for a trusted life insurance agent or contact me to find out what steps you need to make to cover you family now! What ifs will not pay for your mortgage, your kid’s private school, college education, and every day bills. I encourage you to take action now or prior to the end of the year to cover your family. No one knows when they will pass away so it is best to get this situation taken care of immediately.

Again, you think that things are tough imagine if you do not get the coverage that you need in time. Just think of how much tougher and how much “tighter” things will become without your income and a life insurance policy to help your family out.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Death Can Happen At Anytime

Many people feel that they do not need life insurance because not only are they young but they are very healthy. Unfortunately, no one knows what tomorrow may bring that is why it is so important to purchase life insurance when you have a chance.

Many people feel that they will someday get around to purchasing life insurance for their family but an accident happens, their health suddenly spirals downward, or they pass away without getting a chance to protect their families. Many people with families need to understand that “going to and should have’s” will not replace their income when they are gone. Many people need to understand that life is uncertain and that it is best to plan for these uncertainties because they are not in control of these unfortunate circumstances.

You have to ask yourself if I were to pass away at this very second what financial condition my family would be in? Would they be able to successful carry on the lifestyle that they are used to having when I was alive? Will your family be in debt if they have to bury you? Will your children be able to attend college? How will your family manage truthfully without you? If you answered negatively to any of these questions then it is definitely time for you to take the leap and purchase insurance so that you do not leave your family in a financial crisis.
They key to protecting your family now is to act now. Of course, do your due diligence and investigate the prices of premiums and what type of insurance best fit your needs. Once you answer these questions do not delay, get your life insurance application in immediately so that you can protect your family.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Benefits of Using Life Insurance as an Investment

Many people use life insurance as a way to pay for their funerals and to pay off debts but they are not aware of the many benefits of using whole life insurance as an investment. With the current state of the economy and the collapse of Wall Street more people are looking for ways to keep their money safe.

Whole life insurance is one of the safest ways to keep your money safe. Whole life insurance is permanent insurance that will provide life insurance coverage throughout a person’s life. The premiums and death benefit of a whole life insurance policy remain fixed throughout the life of the policy. A portion of the premium is paid into a savings account and builds cash value. The insurance companies usually guarantee a minimum rate of return on the cash value portion of the insurance policy. In addition, most life insurance companies pay dividends toward the cash value portion of a policy. The dividends are considered rebates of insurance premiums according to the IRS and are not taxable. The only instance where dividends would become taxable is if the dividend amount exceeds the total amount the policy holder paid in premiums for the life of the policy. This instance is extremely rare. Dividends can also be used as “paid up additions” which provide additional paid whole life insurance policies in the amount of the dividends owed to the insurance policy owner. Cash value can be borrowed against when the policy accrues enough savings.

In closing, many people are looking towards purchasing Whole life insurance as an investment because it will keep their money safe along with the guaranteed rate of return that is offered. Many people do not want to speculate anymore in the stock market and instead want to preserve their wealth. Whole life insurance can help these people safely invest their money.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Much Will Social Security Pay For Your Funeral and Why MA Life Insurance is important?

Many people mistakenly think that they will depend on Social Security to pay for their funerals but do not realize that Social Security only pays $255 towards their funeral. If you are a veteran VA will pay up to $1,500 towards your funeral. With the average funeral costing $6,500 it is important to have a plan in place to pay for your funeral so that your family members are not burdened with this expense.
Many people depend on their savings to pay for their funerals but do not realize that usually the last six months of their lives are extremely expensive due to healthcare, medications, and other bills that they may incur. Unfortunately, their savings can sometimes be wiped out at this time. Final expense life insurance was designed to pay for your funeral expense during this time of need. In many cases these payments are paid to the beneficiary within 24 hours after the funeral services are performed. Even if someone has traditional life insurance, final expense insurance may come in handy because traditional life insurance will not pay the beneficiary until the death certificate and other important documents have been received. This can take several months to settle a claim and can cause unnecessary fees and charges on the unpaid funeral balances. It is important to have a plan in place because no one knows when it will be time for them to pass away. Plan for the future so that your family members are not financially burdened during their time of grief.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to Receive MA Life Insurance Benefits Tax Free

Most people are not aware that when they purchase a life insurance policy to protect their loved ones in most cases the proceeds will be tax free. This is especially true for Term Life insurance policies. All of the life insurance benefits that are distributed tax free.

Term life insurance benefits are tax free because you will not accrue any cash value with this type of policy. If you purchase a whole life, universal or variable life insurance policy there are some restrictions. For instance, any amount of money that you contributed, gained interest on, or invested that is more than the death benefit will be taxed. So let’s say that your beneficiary received $150,000 in proceeds from your life insurance carrier. The death benefit was $100,000 but you had a cash value of $150,000. The $50,000 would be taxed because it is considered taxable income.

Many times when people begin their estate planning their advisor or lawyer will recommend life insurance as a tool to transfer family wealth without having to pay taxes. Some people with larger estates will create a life trust to help them transfer wealth to their families. Instead of them listing a family member as a beneficiary they will instead name a trust as the beneficiary which is often referred to as a life trust. The main objective in creating this is to pay for estate taxes or as inheritance to an heir.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why this economy will require people to purchase Boston Life insurance

Many people during these economic times feel that they cannot afford life insurance although they know that they need it. It is imperative for people to realize that if there is a need for you to protect your family you should definitely sacrifice the money each month to pay for life insurance premiums.

It would be easier for your family to pay for a premium that in most cases is under $100.00 than it would be to pay for all of the expenses each month in the event that a spouse dies. Presently most families need both incomes to pay for their bills and would not be able to keep the same life style if a spouse dies. Even if a spouse stays at home to care for a child it still would be important to have life insurance for them because childcare is extremely expensive and this is an additional cost that would be needed to come out of the budget each month if the stay at home spouse passes away. It is important to ask yourself how your family will survive without your income if you pass away. If you know that they are going to have a hard time paying the bills it is time to act now before it is too late and purchase enough life insurance so that your family can maintain their lifestyle after your death.

Many young families believe that they have time to purchase life insurance due to their age but it is a known fact that we all do not know when we will pass away. People of all ages pass away each day. Not only that but it is best to purchase life insurance when you are healthy. You can be fine today and tomorrow be diagnosed with an illness. In many instances, I have had clients contact me when it is too late or had they purchased life insurance when they were health they would have saved a lot of money each month on their monthly premiums. Don’t let this scenario be your situation.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Baby Boomers and MA Final Expense Life Insurance

Baby boomers are a group of seventy six million American people who were born 1946-1960. Many of these baby boomers are starting to retire during one of the most volatile economies America has ever seen. In addition, to retiring some are being layed off from their employers after working for their employers for years sometimes decades.
Unfortunately, many baby boomers are left without having the necessary life insurance they that they relied on through their employers. This is why final expense life insurance has grown in popularity. Many people who are retired or layed off in this age group now know that they need some sort of life insurance to pay for their funerals and final expenses. With their pensions, and other retirement accounts being negatively affected by the current market they need an option to help their families pay for expenses upon their death.
Term life insurance usually is not an option for this age because they need the permanency of whole life insurance. A policy is usually issued from $5,000-$20,000. Final expense life insurance requires no medical exam and the applicant only needs to answer a few questions to obtain coverage. A policy is usually issued within a few weeks. Most importantly, in some states regardless of your health condition an insurer must issue a policy to you. In the state of Massachusetts an insurance carrier must offer at least a $5,000 policy to an applicant regardless of their health.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Already Have MA Life Insurance? How MA Final Expense Insurance Can Help You.

Many people who have traditional life insurance do not see a need to purchase additional final expense insurance. This article discusses why it may be important to purchase additional final expense life insurance to cover your funeral expenses to avoid unnecessary fees and interest on unpaid balances after the funeral services have been completed.
It is first important to identify what is Final expense insurance versus traditional life insurance. Final expense life insurance is purchased at a lower face amount compared to traditional life insurance. For instance, with a traditional life insurance plan a person may need to use the funds to pay off their debts, mortgages, and to maintain a certain life style for their spouse and or children. Final expense life insurance is used to provide immediate funds for a person’s funeral usually $10,000-$15,000.

There is no medical exam with Final expense insurance. During the application process you have to answer a few medical questions and there is no underwriting. In certain states like Massachusetts there is a guaranteed issue of up to $5,000 coverage even if you are in poor health. Life insurance policies usually require a paramedical exam and underwriting prior to approving coverage. With Final Expense Life insurance you are usually issued policies within a week or two opposed to waiting sometimes over a month for approval with traditional life insurance.

Unlike traditional life insurance, Final expense funds are usually dispersed within 24 hours after the funeral service is provided. There is usually a lengthy waiting period to receive funds with traditional life insurance policies because the beneficiary has to provide death certificates and other required documentation to the insurance company. This can sometimes take months to settle your claim and receive the money to pay for services. As a result, you will incur unnecessary fees on outstanding balances after the funeral services have been performed. Many people usually expect to use their savings when to fund their funeral but do not realize that the last six months of their lives can be the most expensive time in their lives. Unfortunately, at this time many people spend up their savings and do not have any money to contribute towards the funeral. This is where final expense life insurance can come in handy. A small policy usually $10,000-$15,000 can be made available to the family within 24 hours after the services have been performed. This will help ease the family’s financial burden at the time of grief.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How Much Do Funerals or Cremation Services Cost?

When figuring out how much final expense life insurance you may need it is important to find out how much it would be for a funeral or cremation service. Although, it varies by area it important to figure out what type of service you want and price them so that your family is prepared and are not financially burdened at the time of your death.

Upon researching you will find that there are different options available to you when planning your services. The average funeral can cost $6,500 or more depending on the arrangements. All funeral service providers charge a basic fee which can range between $500-$2,000. This fee cannot be avoided as it is used to acquire the death certificate, sheltering the remains, and making the necessary arrangements with the cemetery or crematory. In addition to this fee there are also optional services such as embalming, memorial service, use of equipment and staff, caskets, cremation, burial containers, or the intermittent that are not included in this price.

Caskets can range between $2,000-over $10,000. Funeral homes can sometimes mark up caskets up to 600%. It is best to shop around on prices for caskets this can really save you a lot of money. Funeral homes have to accept a casket even if it is not purchased through them. A funeral plot can be $500 to several thousand dollars, Opening and closing a grave can be $350 to $1,500 depending on the time and day of the week, and a headstone or markers can be $500 to several thousand dollars. If you are going to be cremated and want to a memorial service prior to your cremation check with your funeral home to see if you can rent a casket for the service. An urn can cost as much as $1,000 or more.

If you want to ensure that your family is not financially burdened during their time of grief it is important to have some sort of plan to pay for all of these fees. This is what final expense life insurance was designed for. The beneficiary usually receives payment within 24 hours after the service is performed. We usually suggest purchasing a policy between $10,000-$15,000 to cover your expenses but it is up to you to research to find the best coverage amount for you and your family. Remember that it is best to prepare before it is too late.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


As a life insurance agent I believe that everyone has a specific goal that they want to acheive when purchasing life insurance. If a young couple wants life insurance to cover their mortgage payments, debt, and most importantly want to maintain their life style I would definately say term life insurance is the way to go. Not only will this route be cheaper than whole life insurance but a families needs will change as the kids grow up and their debt (hopefully) diminishes.

Now if someone is 60 years old and does not have any life insurance I would say to go with whole life insurance and more specifically final expense life insurance. At this age the kids are grown up, this person should have minimal debt and their only concern is to pay for their funeral and a few outstanding debts that they have. This would require a low life insurance value such as $10,000-$25,000. I would not recommend term life because at the end of the term of coverage this person would be either uninsurable or would have to pay such a high premium that they would not be able to afford it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Buying MA, PA, TX Life Insurance Online

8 Steps to Successfully Buying Life Insurance Online

Roughly estimate the amount of life insurance you need by multiplying your gross annual income by 6,. If you have a mortgage to pay off, consider adding that amount to whatever result you have.
Choose a quality life insurance company with a plan that appeals to you and that is affordable.
Follow the individual company's instructions for submitting a formal life insurance application.
If a medical or paramedical exam is necessary, schedule the exam time in the morning, if possible, for best results.
After successful underwriting, check your life insurance policy carefully for errors or inaccuracies.
Sign the delivery documents and return them to the life insurance company along with your first premium check to put the coverage in force.
Keep your life insurance policy in a safe place, treating it like any other legal document.
Make sure your beneficiary knows the life policy's location and/or provide that person with a full copy of the policy.
For additional information visit my website at http://www.usa-lifequotes.com/

MA, PA, TX Life Insurance

Welcome to my first blog post. My goal is to inform you about life insurance and Medicare supplement insurance. Many people know that they need life insurance but do not now where to begin. Yes you can search and receive a quote online but what does that mean without knowing the basics such as:

1)How much insurance do you really need?
2)What is the difference between whole and term life insurance?
3) What are the steps to purchasing insurance online?
4) Where can I go if I have been turned down by a life insurer?
5) Why do you need Medicare Supplement Insurance?
6)Which plan is best for you?
7)How will the changes in 2010 affect your Medicare insurance?

These are just a few questions that I will answer on my posts. My job is to help people make INFORMED decisions when purchasing life or Medicare supplement insurance. Anyone can sell you insurance but can they truly help you make an informed decision when purchasing insurance? Hmm...more information to follow!